Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What a mean mom I am!

What kind of a mom would have her daughters tonsils out 4 days before Christmas? Me. I know it sounds mean, but it was necessary even though it just about killed me. Lexxy has had strep throat 6 times this year, that's every other month! Enough said. About 3 weeks ago when Lexxy had her last bout of strep throat, our pediatrician suggested we see our ENT specialist, so back to the specialist we went. He asked Lexxy to open her mouth so he could look at her tonsils, he didn't even need a tongue depressor to see how big they were. We were scheduled for sugery within 5 minutes of our appointment. I had total confidence in our specialist from previous allergy appointments, plus he's a Davis Dart - how could you go wrong?! All went well, I will not deny, it's stinkin' hard and will continue for a few more days, but I'm good for it (I think).
My sweet girls before leaving to the Hospital. Ady was so dear, she kept telling Lexxy that she would hold her hand so she wouldn't be scared - I love that girl, she's a pure joy!
Pay no mind to the big brown man, Lexxy demanded a picture with her mommy and the brown man, okay her daddy (just kidding T!)

Lexxy trying to come out of the anesthesia. Wow! That was tough.

There's my smiling beauty, I enjoyed it while it lasted, cause it was only for seconds.


amiee said...

oh that picture of her on your chest coming out of the anesthesia is soooo sweet it made me cry! poor little thing! i hope she is feeling better soon! :)

The Huntsville Dunns said...

Poor little Lexxy.......she's a fighter though, just like her mom :) (I'm not so sure about your Dr. being a Dart! They are not nearly as good as a Viking!)